We’ve been involved with the USO of
Metropolitan Washington (USO-Metro) for over 16 years, and each program reminds
us why we love being involved with this phenomenal organization! Project USO
Elf is one of the organization’s special holiday programs, dedicated to helping
military children and families. We hope
you’ll agree this is a program worth supporting!
Project USO Elf is devoted to providing
1,200 children of military families with gifts for the holidays. Area companies,
organizations and families can register to "sponsor" a local military
child this holiday season. While military families face challenges year-round, holidays
can be especially difficult. Volunteering as a sponsor for this program can
help to bring a smile to a child’s face, and reminds us what the holiday season
is really about.
To volunteer as a sponsor, please visit www.usometrodc.org/holiday -- this provides
registration information and matches you with a child in the program. Within two
weeks, you will receive your sponsor child’s first name, gender, age and
holiday wish list. Donors are asked to purchase a minimum of two gifts and/or
gift cards from the list, totaling $50 or more for each child. Once you make
your selections from the child’s wish list, you will receive information about
where to drop off the gifts – drop off locations include the OUCP Warehouse,
Fort Belvoir & McGill Training Center, and Fort Meade. All gifts must be
dropped off on December 10th between 6:00 am and 7:00 pm. Do not
worry about gift wrapping the presents; USO-Metro will do that for you!
If you are able to help and would like
to assist military families in the Washington D.C. metro area, please register
to be a sponsor in the Project USO Elf program! If you have questions about the
program and how to help out, contact Shannon Rush at 703-805-4277 or Shannon@usometro.org. If you would like
to support a military child in need through Project Elf, but don’t have time to
shop, you can donate $50 per child at www.usometro.org/donate.